Transload And Transportation Services

COVID-19 Update

MHX is committed to providing a safe working environment to our employees during the Coronavirus Pandemic. We have continued to take steps focusing on preventative measures since the introduction of COVID-19 with the focus on the Well Being of our People as the #1 driver in our decisions. We take pride in the reality that the decisions we make every day as being a part of the greater supply chain not only affects our employees, but our extended communities.

The safety of all people is our obligation and we will continue to monitor the changes and recommendations by the Center for Disease Control and our Local and Federal Governments. Below are some items that we have implemented in our facilities and workforce.

  • Safety and Compliance team providing daily updates to Executives and Management on recommended behaviors and protection measures. While providing needed supplies to have immediate implementation of changes to MHX Processes, Protocols, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Coronavirus Updates Team created to monitor changes in regulations to support up to date information to employees about changes in government support (Cares Act) along with providing informational videos and data to support our employee’s knowledge on what is happening in relationship to COVID-19
  • Work from Home Order Effective March 12th for all able departments
  • Essential Employees supplied with recommended PPE in addition to standard PPE for work specific functions
  • Small Cohort Groups to minimize risk of potential spread while simultaneously changing processes to ensure social distances
  • Company Drivers equipped with SOP’s and monitored for properly cleaning of trucks, and adjusted protocols when visiting customer facilities for deliveries.
  • Elimination of document passing and live signatures on paperwork
  • Eliminated Outside Visitors to all facilities
  • Additional measure to monitor outside carriers while on site, including health screening, social distancing, and PPE requirements enforced

We will continue to monitor and adapt to our changing environment as it relates to COVID-19. We thank you for your times and together we will get through this. We are also communicating regular updates to support during these challenging our customers as there are changes to SOP’s or adjustments in our processes related to COVID-19. If you would like to be added to this distribution please provide your email address and message of COVID-19 updates at


Vincent McLeod – President of MHX